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Career Information

I want to be a Forensic Pathologist when i grow up.
These are the reasons why.

1) I got inspired from watching CSI on television. I became so obsessed with it that i made my father record all the episodes because it was shown past my bed time. I found it so interesting how the guy/women would cut open the body to examine it and say so easily "This guy had a stroke ." I know its obviously not that easy but it's still interesting.

I seem to be contradicting myself as i said once that people should not judge something in real life based on a television show but i cant help it! CSI just makes the occupation seem so fun!

2) I want to help people. I remember that when my grand-uncle passed away, my family was so shocked! they did not know why because he looked like such a healthy man. Some people even thought he may have been poisoned because he was a priest so maybe a terrorist or something like that did not like him being a Christian. However, when the report came out, it showed he had died as a result of a heart attack. I could tell that once my family knew how he died it was sort of like closure for them. Can you imagine not knowing how a loved one died? You would probably wonder your whole life. If a person was murdered, I would be able to discover vital clues in finding the murderer. It's nice to know that you have a very important job.

3)I find it very fascinating and intriguing that the dead can talk and tells us things which would otherwise escape us.


At first,physicians and surgeons took the role of pathologists. It wasn't
till around the early 1800s that it was decided to have full time pathologists as physicians and surgeons discovered that it was too much to handle above all the patients. Physicians and surgeons therefore began to train young students, focusing on pathology and pathologists were born!

Source of information: Library encyclopedia (World Book )


At 7:05 AM , Blogger Satoko said...

I'm Satoko in class D, in the first year of Taki High School.

Your dream is very great☆
Though I have never experienced death of my relatives, I think your experience very sad.
I want you to be a forensic pathologist and solve all death. You can do it!

I want to help people, too. And I want to be a doctor.
What do you think about a doctor?
Have you wanted to be a doctor?

Please come to my blog sight and comment.



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